Welcome to our website. At Our website you can find Pictures and Events about our lives and family. Please take a look around and make yourself at home!
We thought this would be a good way for our family and friends to share events and pictures when we don't always get to see each other.
Currently the Calendar and Pictures are available for browsing. You can take a look at our calendar of events. Some of the entries are links that take you to another site with more information, but for most of them, the links take you to pictures of the event.
To see the original Wedding Site Click Here
If you see any of the buttons to the left twinkle, that means they have been updated recently, so check them out!
This site is currently under construction, so please bear with me :) Hopefully soon, I will be able to get a Guestbook online so we can hear from all of you out there.
* Update * - 1/16/2009 - Added a Mobile Version of the Website that makes it easier to get your daily dose of the family on your handheld devices.
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Since June 21, 2005